This morninig I logged into Facebook and lo and behold I had a memory to look back on. It tells me that two yrs ago today, I posted my first blog entry after my cancer diagnosis. After not posting for quite some time I thought this would be a great opportunity to post on the happenings and progress over the last 18 months.
I am currently in full remission.
After my last post of May 2014, I was scheduled and took part in a Stem Cell transplant procedure. There are two types...AUTO where they harvest your own stem cells from your blood and a ALLO where they get stem cells from a doner match. I was given the AUTO. The theory and hope being that after killing all the cancer new stem cells will rebuild your immune system which will continue the fight.
I spent approx 3weeks in hospital in July- Aug 2014. It was an often grueling procedure with many down days. There were also good days such as when Bill showed up with a pizza. After hospital food or not eating anything that pizz was a piece of heaven, ate like it was the last one one earth. I paid for this the next day but what a freakin pizza. Thanks. The procedure, overall, zaps any energy and good you have in you. After returning home the several months were spent gaining strength and normal function to get on with living.
With only a couple of minor setbacks everything progressed fairly quickly and my oncologist gave me the news that I was in remission. We were ecstatic. To make sure I asked for a paper copy of the oncologist report stating I was in remission, nothing beats seeing it in black and white.
Through all of this I couldn't ask for more support. My wife was there when ever I needed her, she single handedly ran the home, took care of Rachel worked and took care of me. Just like Dr. Suess says.........."the strength of 10 grinches plus two."
I stated in one of my posts that my daughter was a trooper through it all and the biggest complaint was I couldn't go play in the pool with her because of my PICC. Well, the minute I was able to get that "pain in the ass" taken out, I joined her and she was one happy kid. Unfortunately it was late in the season and pool time was very limited. Nonetheless she was very happy and so was I.
My comrades at Kingston East Volunteer Firefighters Association took care of the lawns around our place. No small job living in the country. Thank you Sean and Tanner and Association. Not having to worry about this was a lifesaver for Vic and myself.
Over the susequent months, my strengh slowly returned to pre transplant normal and I was able to do some home maint like painting, run errands and be productive. Our summer was back to normal as well with pool and camping and real sunshine.....not through a window.
In Jan 2016, I returned to work on a full time basis. In my eyes, while I certainly enjoyed not working, it was a fitting step in the jouney. I quit work because cancer caught me. I returned to work because for now I am in control and have won the first battle. Things have come full circle.
I have been in remission for approx 18 months, but certainly I look forward to many more years, but take nothing for granted in this fight.