Friday, April 4, 2014

Apr 4, 2014 UPDATE. Dance like nobody's watching!!

      It's been a while since my last post, to bring you up-to-date we are past the halfway point and so far everything is going according to plan. Today is the second day of part 4 and only two more to go.

      The results of a progress CT scan were very encouraging and described by my Dr. as an excellent response to the treatment regimen. It was good to hear this news to validate efforts so far of the medical team, my family team ,my friend team and of course myself.  It's all worth it.  There will be more trials and tribulations to come but we'll get through them.

      When all of this started, it was of course a shock, its was scary, it brought so much uncertainty.  You go to sleep thinking the worst, wake up thinking the worst, wondering why. What caused this and what could I have done different to prevent it......nothing. In my opinion nothing, we live our lives as we  do, and they turn out how they turn out....FATE. I believe in FATE. To analogize, we all have a number painted on our back and when that number is drawn there is absolutely nothing we can do.

       It is this idea that should make us see that it is so important to live our lives to the fullest everyday,  always eat your chocolate cake first, dance like nobody is watching and sing like nobody is listening.  Most will say I am not good at either but what do they know.

        Think about this and try singing along with you music even though you might not be able to carry a note in a bucket, or dance even though you know you have the dance skills of a moose. You my be surprised how it feels and how life's outlook changes.


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